Tuesday, 22 February 2011

The Stardoll News Girl's first ever post!

I have just made this blog "The Stardoll News Girls!" so that you can know about all the happenings on stardoll! I named it the stardoll news girlS, even though there is only one of me, because i really hope soon this blog will be popular enough for me to have to ask someone to help me write for this blog! I will try to write as often as I can, but I have school and homework , and then in the summer I am away at my caravan every weekend, so I can't come on then. But don't worry! I will still come on whenever I have free time, and I'll be on stardoll looking for news as well! Please follow this blog - It might not be brilliant just yet, but remember - It's still getting set up!

You can visit and add me on Lauragreengirl. I have been on stardoll for a while now, and am loving it! I have five clubs atm. (Don't ask me how stardoll let me have more than 3 clubs because I don't know) about different things. My biggest and most succesful is called free--stardoll, and is all about the free things you can get on stardoll (which I will also be posting about here). My other clubs are called splash_magazine, and is about the magazine (SPLASH) i have in my album. Atm, it doesn't have any members, but I only made it a week or so ago, so hopefully more people will join in time. Then I have -sd-insiders- which also has no members and is about the blog tsistardoll. Then there is Ask-laura, where anyone can come and tell me about their problems and I will try and help to fix them. It has seven members at the minute, but more pople can join whenever they want! Then I have twilight-girlzz which is obviously about twilight. It has 4 members at the minute, but i havn't been in it for a while, so it's probably not very active.

Thats sort of all there is to know about me on stardoll, but hopefully there will be more to post soon! :D xx


  1. Hiya! I hope this blog flourishes and grows!!!

    From: The person who also commented on your competition post... :)
